Mother’s Day Weekend Retreat

Been a long time since I’ve posted here on this blog but I’m hoping you may have noticed how busy I’ve been on Tumblr lately. If not, I’d love it if you would check it out. The link is also on the sidebar.

I spent the weekend with my daughter at an annual Mother’s Day retreat run by our Unitarian Church. I had so much fun at last year’s retreat that I volunteered to be on the committee for this year and while I didn’t do much more than come up with a flyer or two and man the registration table for an hour or two, I am hoping that I still contributed to the success of the event.

I’m sorry that more people didn’t choose to participate this year. It’s such a worthwhile way to spend a couple of days. Really, what could be better? Family, friends — both old and new, nature, and inspiration all rolled up into one lovely package. We lucked out with the weather. The weekend was warm and sunny and perfect in every way.  I gave a workshop in Photography and while there were only two participants (thanks so much to you both!) it went really well and I am hopeful that given the opportunity to do it next year, more people will show up and I won’t be quite as nervous.

There was so much to do while we were at Camp Jewell and still, there was time to do nothing but listen to the sounds of the birds, the wind rustling in the trees and to sit and feel the warmth of the sun. I arrived at Camp Jewell feeling pretty frazzled and anxious and left feeling as if my reset button had been pressed and I was ready to start from fresh. I read, I hiked up a mountain, I spent time with friends, I made new friends. I was relaxed, energized and inspired. All in one weekend not so far from home. The following images (and the ones above) are just a small selection, in no apparent order, of all the activities.

~ by photobella on 16 May, 2012.

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